A Gathering of Curiosities is a blog about fountain pens, stationery, collecting, and other curious things. It updates twice a month - sometimes more frequently, as inspiration strikes. Thank you for reading!

Unless otherwise stated, everything on this website is by RB Lemberg. My name is pronounced ahr-BEE.

If you are looking for my author website, please visit rblemberg.net.

Reviewing, affiliation, support: This blog is independent - I am not affiliated with any stores, makers, or brands. I’d like to keep it this way. If you enjoy this blog, I hope you consider sending a few dollars via Ko-Fi: this will help me continue blogging and keeping the website independent.

I will clearly label any affiliate links (this is primarily for books). If the link is not labeled, it is not an affiliate link.

Reaching out: please use the contact form. I might not always be able to respond, but I will do my best.
